Case Studies

Case Studies

FIMS (Faculty of Information and Media Studies)

Client Name: University of Western Ontario
Market: Built Environment
Submarket: Universities (Higher Education)
Services Provided: Asset Management, Field Engineering, Field Services, PMCM, Project Controls, Training & Documentation
Project Location: London, ON
Project Size: 136,000 sqft

Western University is known for their on-going transformation and growth. Their ambitious campaign, ‘Be Extraordinary’, reflects a campus celebrated for its global reputation and competitive drive in recruiting the best students, faculty, and research candidates. 

Western chose Abbott to lead the project forward to a new FIMS (Faculty of Information and Media Studies) and Nursing Building. The goal for this building was to provide interdisciplinary, interactive, and hands-on spaces that support a stronger international presence in learning and research-intensive universities. 

Abbott provided project, program, and risk management services in the transition from Western’s Physical Plant to the new FIMS grounds.  Located on the old services buildings site, the project involved the assessment and new build of all support services, complete environmental remediation to green grounds, and the creation and continual support of the new FIMS facility. The space features clinical training and computer laboratories, media studios including a newsroom and radio station, healthcare simulation labs, high capacity general purpose rooms and library science facilities. The site remains a highly visible location for the celebration of the Western “brand,” the physical representation of the University’s life and learning experience. 

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