Field Engineering

With Abbott's dynamic field engineering - we are your dedicated partner ready to adapt to your needs wherever you are. Our expansive field engineering disciplines cover civil, electrical, mechanical, piping, and structural engineering, complemented by advanced specialties like simulation, enterprise integration, and interactive 3D and 4D modeling.

At Abbott, collaboration is the cornerstone of our approach. We don't just offer services; we forge partnerships to craft tailored solutions that fit your unique requirements. Our comprehensive offerings span the entire project lifecycle, seamlessly transitioning from engineering and procurement to fabrication, construction, completions, maintenance, and project management.

Our multidisciplinary expertise and collaborative strategies will meet and exceed your expectations. With Abbott at your side, achieving success in your project isn't a mere goal; it's a guaranteed certainty. Ready to elevate your projects? Choose Abbott, where success is guaranteed.

Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

Computer Maintenance Management System (CMMS)

At Abbott, computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) deployment refers to implementing and integrating a software solution to manage and optimize organizational maintenance activities. The primary purpose of a CMMS is to streamline and enhance the efficiency of maintenance processes, asset management, and resource utilization.

Constructability Reviews

Constructability Reviews

Constructability reviews are a systematic and collaborative evaluation process conducted during a construction project's planning and design phases. The goal is to assess the feasibility and efficiency of the project's design in terms of construction and subsequent operations. These reviews thoroughly examine the project plans, specifications, and documents to identify and predict potential issues, obstacles, or improvements that could impact the construction process from a cost and time perspective.



At Abbott, consultancy refers to providing our clients with expert advice, guidance, and specialized services to improve the completion and operation of their capital projects. Our consultants are experts in their specific technical disciplines, and their knowledge, skills, and insights assist clients in achieving their objectives.

Interactive Action Planning (IAP)

Interactive Action Planning (IAP)

At Abbott, our services include the capabilities for interactive planning (IAP) sessions. The platforms we use enhance active collaboration, engagement, and real-time interaction among various project stakeholders involved in a construction project. IAP effectively ensures the project milestones meet the defined objectives by actively engaging all parties on critical milestones, schedule considerations, and necessary tasks.

Mobilization Readiness

Mobilization Readiness

Mobilization readiness refers to the services we provide that ensure and deliver a state of preparedness and organizational readiness to assemble, train and organize resources, personnel, and equipment in preparation for a particular task, project, or mission. Mobilization readiness encompasses various aspects to ensure a smooth and effective transition from planning to execution.

Operational Readiness

Operational Readiness

Our operational readiness services refer to the programs and activities we perform to make your facility fully prepared and equipped to commence its intended operations. It ensures that all necessary components, including personnel, processes, equipment, and support systems, are in place, trained, and ready to function effectively. Operational readiness is a crucial phase in the life cycle of a project, system, or facility, marking the transition from development and construction to active operations.

Pre-Construction Services

Pre-Construction Services

At Abbott, preconstruction services refer to a set of activities and tasks that we perform for our clients before the actual construction phase of a project begins. These services are integral to the planning and preparation stages, providing essential support to the project owner, architect, and other stakeholders. Preconstruction services contribute to effective project management, risk mitigation, and the overall success of the construction project. Key deliverables often include feasibility studies, constructability reviews, conceptual estimating, value engineering, and lifecycle cost analysis.

Process Engineering & Control

Process Engineering & Control

Process engineering is a technical service that involves the application of principles from chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, and other disciplines to develop efficient and reliable processes for producing goods and services. Our process engineers work to improve the design, efficiency, safety, and sustainability of processes in industries such as manufacturing, chemical processing, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and more.

Procurement Support Services

Procurement Support Services

At Abbott, we often perform procurement support services for our clients. We manage the delivery of goods, services, or works from external sources to support the successful execution of a project. The effort encompasses a range of tasks, from identifying suitable suppliers to managing contracts and ensuring that the project or facilities obtain the necessary resources in a timely and cost-effective manner. Effective procurement services include vendor surveillance and contribute to overall organizational success by securing quality materials, services, and expertise while managing costs and risks.



At Abbott, we offer and deliver systematic quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) programs to our clients to ensure that finished projects or products meet and exceed the stated requirements—the programs often include documentation, verification, validation, and training to maximize contractors' and employees' responsibility and accountability.

Staff Augmentation

Staff Augmentation

At Abbott, our clients rely on us for staff augmentation. We supplement their internal team or workforce by supplying them with professional resources from our substantially vetted industry contact list. We pinpoint the skills required for our customers to be successful and, in turn, deliver them to the project or the endeavor. Staff augmentation provides flexibility in scaling a team quickly without the long-term commitment associated with traditional hiring.


Canada Games Aquatic Centre

Canada Games Aquatic Centre

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Canada Games Aquatic Centre

FIMS (Faculty of Information and Media Studies)

FIMS (Faculty of Information and Media Studies)

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FIMS (Faculty of Information and Media Studies)



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Ivey Business School

Ivey Business School

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Ivey Business School


Five Newly Developed Construction Materials

From spiked material costs and natural disasters to environmental concerns and lowered productivity, the construction industry is struggling to meet current economic demand while maintaining output. These five newly developed building materials are making waves.

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How to Recognize a Tenuous Project

Project failure happens, and it happens to everyone at some point over the course of their career. However meticulous and calculated the programming, schedule, and budget, those targets still can become seemingly unattainable.

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Innovative Pathways: Abbott PM Launches Houston Branch

In a strategic move that underscores their dedication to advancing Project Management, Project Controls and Field Services excellence for clients around the nation, Abbott PM has unveiled the opening of a new branch office in Houston, Texas.

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